Conplast NC (20 Ltr)

RPC is mainly engaged in the field of manufacturing and wholesaling trading of various types of Construction Materials since 2015. Various products range consists of RPC BUILDER SUPPLY, RPC BLUE METALS, RPC CONSTRUCTION SOLUTIONS, RPC DESIGNER & CONSTRUCTION PLANNING and Robotics Bricks and Blocks. These products are widely appreciated for their high purity, user-friendliness, longevity, and low rates. Additionally, we are also offering Architectural and Construction Services to our valued clients. We always maintain on the flawless design of the manufacturing process, verifying quality standards as per customer's specification, choice of quality raw materials, good workmanship and quality control at all stages of our manufacturing process. We are engaged in offering Conplast NC (20 Ltr) to our clients. Our range of all products is widely appreciated by our clients.


Conplast NC is guaranteed completely free of all forms of chloride and is supplied as a light straw coloured liquid. The main active ingredient is an inorganic formate.


 Chloride free, safe in prestressed and reinforced concrete  Produces exceptionally high early strengths  Plasticising action gives increased workability and / or increased strengths  Early setting improves frost resistance  Suitable for bricklaying mortar mixes  Particularly eff ective in concrete at low temperatures


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