Brushbond Roofguard is a single component acrylic polymer modifi ed, elastomeric fi bre reinforced high build & easy roller applied / brushable coating available in diff erent colours for application in multiple layers, minimum 3 layer application is recommended for best performance.


 High Build system provides higher dry fi lm thickness of more than 1mm in three coats.

 The product can applied directly on existing sound concrete, brickbat coba, screed concrete even without removal

 No protection screed required eliminating the additional weight due to protection layer

 Excellent barrier to carbon dioxide, chloride and sulphate ions.

 Allows water vapour to escape from the structure.

 High resistance to the eff ect of long-term weathering,

 Durable in all climate conditions including UV attack.

 Excellent bond to concrete and masonry.

 Good crack accommodation capacity.

 Minimum surface preparation needed and low labour.